Real Estate Agent Safety Course

As a real estate agent, there are often times that you must meet with clients alone, at night, or in secluded areas. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), in 2020 39% of of the 1.4 million NAR members stated that they met new or prospective clients alone at a secluded location or property. 23% of the 1.4 million NAR members stated that they had experienced a situation that made the individual fear for his or her personal safety or safety of his or her personal information.

Those very real numbers provided by the National Association of Realtors is why together with USCCA, Click-Click-Boom has provided the Real Estate Agent Safety Course below for free. The course will cover important topics such as why real estate agents are at risk, situational awareness, how stress affects the body, mindset and defensive strategies, as well as defensive options if a perceived threat arises.